While there, it was announced that the community hall would be renamed Jubilee Hall in her honour.
With 1975 being the college's 25th anniversary, it was commemorated by the construction of Jubilee Hall.
Encouraged by their success, university officials soon sent the singers back on the road again, this time to raise $45,000 more to complete Jubilee Hall.
His body was kept in state at the Jubilee Hall in Hyderabad.
Jubilee Hall was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1974.
It is known as the Jubilee Hall.
The Jubilee Hall in Covent Garden grew to be one such case.
The Jubilee Hall is mainly of stone construction, with two sides made of external timber.
Work continued throughout the spring and the first performance was given on 14th June 1949 in the Jubilee Hall.
The village drama group, the Worthy Players, perform three shows a year in the Jubilee Hall.