"I have a person in front of me," Judge Hogan said, "who is defying the law."
That tradition, according to Judge Hogan, does not deserve respect.
"It could be seen to be obstruction of justice," Judge Hogan said.
"The court views the evidence in this case as nothing less than outrageous," Judge Hogan wrote.
"We have a classic confrontation between competing interests," Judge Hogan said, speaking from the bench.
She contemplated writing an article, Judge Hogan wrote, but she never did.
He has refused to cooperate and will appear before Judge Hogan next week for a second contempt hearing.
"Illegal drugs are an enormous and dangerous problem," Judge Hogan said.
During the two-and-a-half-hour hearing, Judge Hogan took turns questioning the lawyers.
Nonetheless, Judge Hogan said the nation's courts did not have the power to change the commission's ruling.