Mr. Miles apologized to Judge Robinson for not wearing a suit coat, explaining that he had had to rush to court.
The decision came as a surprise, since Judge Robinson had previously upheld motions for dismissal in parallel cases brought against other defendants.
In returning the case to Judge Robinson, the panel indicated that it was too early to deal with the constitutional questions.
"Why, Tom had him up before Judge Robinson for assault and battery."
The bride, 31, is a law clerk for Judge Robinson.
Isn't the public entitled to know what was in the "classified" affidavit that so provoked Judge Robinson?
When complaints arose, Nynex tried to cover it up, Judge Robinson said.
Mr. Parker had planned to return to North Carolina to practice law, but instead he took Judge Robinson's suggestion to try teaching.
In Judge Robinson's ruling today, which she issued without any written comment, she effectively raised the legal bar for the plaintiffs.
No, said Judge Robinson, adding that possibly the accused might be allowed to say something at the end.