British officials also minimized the importance of two men they initially believed might have played roles in the July 7 attacks.
The police showed her a number of photographs, apparently of the bombers who died in the July 7 attacks.
Some time after the July attack, he took his bicycle to the balcony of his house and threw it off.
In a separate case, 10 people seized for failing to cooperate with the police after the July 21 attacks were denied bail.
The 10 July attack was on a larger scale than had been attempted earlier.
British assaults sustained very bloody repulses, losing 600 killed in a 26 July attack.
Certainly, a Fourth of July attack was out of the question.
The hearings related to the July 21 attacks were largely procedural.
One man was subsequently indicted and arrested for the July 2007 attack.
It was broadcast exactly eight weeks after the July 7 attack, in which 56 people died, including the four bombers.