Two days after the July 11 hearing, the Gang met to discuss Haynes' nomination.
At a July 2006 hearing, the judge disallowed most of the evidence and in January 2007 dismissed most of the charges.
Some parishioners, distressed by the July hearing and still in favor of preserving the church, have left the parish.
Legal experts say that suppressing the interview could jeopardize the government's case, so the July 15 hearing is crucial.
At a July 6 hearing, the judge determined that Lohan had violated the terms of her probation by missing several mandatory classes and meetings.
But a July 7 hearing before Judge Johnson may be problematic for the government.
The license is suspended pending a July 26 hearing in London.
Steinbrenner has sued the company that transcribed his July 1990 hearing.
The court also scheduled a July 24 hearing on the acquisition proposal, which was announced late Friday.
But, they argued, he should not have to appear at the July hearing.