There's no minimum age, but teen-agers cannot join the summer league if they turn 18 after the June 10 cut-off date.
In an era of increasingly early primaries, the state's June date made it an afterthought.
And this is why the June 30 date for the transfer of sovereignty will be kept.
In 2010, the tournament moved to a June date.
He said the June 20 date for the end of session had never been written in stone.
We always had the June 8 and June 27 dates to ourselves.
But the June 23 date was the final deadline and the request for another extension casts doubt about the likelihood of the deal being completed.
Judge Garaufis set a June 9 date for the next hearing in the case.
There are three separate ads, all confirming the June 29 date.
Plus, before the March 16 date, a June 29 date had been scheduled.