The new rule brought to an end the June decision that had threatened to bar Gandhi from public office.
Until the June decision those rights had been assumed but never confirmed by a higher court.
In the process, the Court softened the impact of a June 24 decision that had alarmed Federal prosecutors.
And his bill would allow any cases dismissed as a result of the Court's June decision to be refiled.
Employers, lawyers and insurance companies are still studying the June 15 decision, which appears to have national implications.
Walker said that the aftermath of his June 13 decision was not fun.
He said that since the June decisions that were the focus of the lawsuit were put in place, the financial picture has worsened.
The Treasury revised a June 29 decision to cancel the treaty outright, effective at the end of the year.
These included, most notably, two June 2004 decisions in cases arising out of the war on terror.
Even before the June 19 decision to withhold military force, a political solution was being demanded in many quarters.