We have a little more idea now, following publication of the "zero draft" outcome document for the June summit.
G7 officials planned to seek approval from other G20 nations at the June 2010 summit before progressing towards implementation.
The European Council will be asked to validate this politically at its June summit.
That is the message our leaders will doubtless seek to convey at the upcoming June summit.
The June summit clearly showed that the Member States do not wish to pay for all sorts of new policy areas.
In the first half-year up to the June summit, it falls to us to conduct this discussion on the future of Europe.
Then of course there will be the June summit and we will use every opportunity to make this point very clear.
The June summit must make a statement on how the countries having particularly significant problems can extricate themselves from the iron grip of the euro.
The June summit is proof of this, since the entire agenda of the summit was successfully implemented.
Under the scheme anyone can send a leaf-shaped card to the June global summit, in Brazil, with their own message to world leaders about the environment.