Justice Brandeis once said that deportation is the loss of all that makes life worth living.
Justice Brandeis wrote the dissenting opinion, which disagreed with the majority on key issues.
"The answer to the claims of the union should be, as Justice Brandeis said, more speech, not less."
Justice Brandeis cited from a report to a 1912 Congress Committee.
They might draw strength by looking at what Justice Brandeis wrote in 1927:
Justice Brandeis said long ago that, under our system of freedom, the right way to deal with bad speech is to answer it.
Justice Brandeis anticipated the particular problems with technologies that could be used for surveillance.
Of course we now know how valuable Justice Brandeis's ideas turned out to be.
Justice Brandeis once said of the court, "The most important thing we do is not doing."
Justice Brandeis spoke of privacy as "the right most valued by civilized men."