That has opened the door to the possibility that the Justice Department will demand larger divestitures.
In 1938, the Justice Department charged Alcoa with illegal monopolization, and demanded that the company be dissolved.
The Justice Department, in turn, gave Lessig's e-mail to Microsoft, which claimed he was biased and demanded his resignation.
The company insists that total removal was what the Justice Department demanded and what the judge ordered.
The University of Michigan hospital system is trying to overturn a subpoena from the Justice Department demanding records on certain abortion procedures.
Mr. Anthony said the society has written the Justice Department to demand that the university return its research grant and pay a penalty of $500 per horse.
In enforcing the Voting Rights Act, the Justice Department and the courts have demanded creation of one district with a black majority.
The Justice Department is still demanding abortion records from at least a half-dozen hospitals in New York and Philadelphia, among other places.
During the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Justice Department charged Alcoa with illegal monopolization and demanded that the company be dissolved.
In the end, however, the Justice Department and its European counterpart demanded only modest changes in the way the giant software maker markets its products.