The lawyers said they expect the Justices will announce in the fall whether they will take the case.
The Justices announced last Monday that they would hear arguments between the two states over where to draw the boundary of their respective jurisdictions.
The Justices announced today that they would not review the decision of the appeals panel.
While no current Justice has announced opposition to capital punishment, the Court is obviously troubled by the way the death penalty is being carried out.
In the earliest days, there were no opinions for the Court as a whole; each Justice announced his views separately.
The Justices announced they would hear the case on Nov. 30.
"We definitely will make Justice familiar with anything we might announce with Eastern," he said.
Justice has announced the release of her debut album, which is expected to be released sometime during 2013.
Justice announced in 2009 that she would be working on a thriller film, set for theatrical release.
Justice announced it three or four hours ago.