In order to decide a case, six justices must vote and a simple majority is all that's required.
When these three Justices voted together, they were not on the losing side in any case this term.
The Justices voted 6 to 3 to leave intact a stay issued by a lower court.
And justices who think they might end up on the losing side of an important case might vote not to take it.
The justices voted a week ago but kept their decision secret until the legal ruling had been confirmed in writing.
Five justices voted for the positions represented by these contributors half of the time, and the average rate was 55 percent.
And court officials say a retired justice may vote and even write opinions in cases that he or she heard.
And what exactly had the justices voted on, anyway?
There is little doubt that these four justices would vote to uphold the Cleveland program.
Five justices voted to permit the due process suit to proceed.