In the Earley book, Walker comments that a K-Mart store had better security than the U. S. Navy.
Old Farmer's Almanac, a new toothpaste made from baking soda, was being sold with giveaway almanacs in K-Mart stores across the country.
The deal came about in part due to the closing of more than 600 K-Mart stores in the U.S.
The company first installed its system in retail stores in the Chicago, Illinois, area in April 2003, starting with K-Mart stores.
The group became so commercial that it kicked off a 1997 tour at a K-Mart store.
On November 4, 1995, Leandro Andrade stole five videotapes from a K-Mart store in Ontario, California.
The defendant further stated he went into the K-Mart store to steal videos.
They are located on Arlington Road and Lem Turner Road in an old K-Mart store.
Shoppers who see the CBS promotions at K-Mart stores are still going home to watch reruns on cable TV.
Two weeks later, he stole four videotapes from a different K-Mart store in Montclair, California.