Ken Johnson, a spokesman for the committee, said it was likely to hold hearings on the topic.
For Ken Johnson there are different measures: whom he has annoyed, and by how much.
If you are thinking of starting an art collection but lack deep pockets, there is no better place to begin (Ken Johnson).
"The big question we want answered is why there aren't better backup systems," the aide, Ken Johnson, said.
Ken Johnson, 33, who works at a tattoo parlor in the city's Italian neighborhood, was taking a break outside the store recently.
The paintings are far from ground-breaking, but they're very pretty (Ken Johnson).
Maybe the empty stage signifies the end of master narratives (Ken Johnson).
But nothing here supports upgrading his reputation as a painter (Ken Johnson).
Less interesting is a series of works on paper on which the two artists collaborated (Ken Johnson).
Made while the artist was recovering from a heart attack, this death's head is haunting yet comical (Ken Johnson).