The Kansas Republican did not suggest the amount of increase he would like to see.
At least 30 senators are working on the bill, the Kansas Republican said.
Fifty-one percent gave the Kansas Republican the top performance rating.
"All of a sudden those in the majority want to rush to judgment," the Kansas Republican said.
The Kansas Republican discussed the substance of the wage issue only briefly.
This afternoon the Kansas Republican made clear that he was not leading a crusade to hold up the global trade accord.
The Kansas Republican has also agreed that the naval embargo now in place should not be considered a military action covered by the resolution.
"Today happens to be a significant anniversary in American history," the Kansas Republican told his audience.
"I have sort of a gut feeling the American people are not yet committed to war," the Kansas Republican said.
"Kansas Republicans have always been economic populists, and Bush couldn't be more anti-populist in image."