The society contacted Nadine's mother, Karen Brown, and she was given a chance to discuss with a social worker her daughter's difficulties.
Three rows from the back of the same room, Karen Brown gazed on this most improbable spectacle.
After Rachael, 22, had recited the oath, Karen Brown walked to the podium.
"We fought about this for years," Karen Brown recalled.
Not only doves like Karen Brown fathomed the meaning of those words.
"We see this orbiting billboard as a Trojan horse," said Karen Brown, a spokeswoman for the organization.
Karen Brown, Republican candidate in the 2011 Philadelphia mayoral election.
Karen Brown, a super since 1987, concurred.
Tuesday's Tontine, by Karen Brown, was joltingly realistic, true to both characters and situation.
Whitehall-Robins resumed production of the sponge late last month, said Karen Brown, a company spokeswoman.