Americans are urged to keep a low profile, to avoid all road travel in and around the Katmandu Valley, and to use extra caution until conditions stabilize.
The Katmandu Valley is the political heart of this kingdom of 17 million, one of the world's poorest countries.
The Katmandu Valley sits at about 4,400 feet, and nighttime temperatures can dip close to freezing from October to March.
The Newari people were once the rulers of the Katmandu Valley and built its extraordinary brick temple towns.
The Communists, though split into factions, drew the biggest crowds to rallies that ended Thursday, especially in urban areas of the Katmandu Valley.
Until the 17th century, its history involved a series of conflicting dynasties within the Katmandu Valley.
The other highway links the Katmandu Valley with Nepal's northern neighbor, Tibet, making it a vital trade route.
Flying also permits you to spend more time in the Katmandu Valley, where the Buddhist culture, in all its Eastern variations, is actively practiced.
Carpet factories are springing up with such speed in the Katmandu Valley that environmentalists are pressing the national Government to regulate the industry's growth.
He pointed out his office window at a hill that marks the boundary of Katmandu Valley.