America's Second Harvest (now known as Feeding America) responded to the efforts by collecting over 33 millions pounds of food specifically for Katrina relief.
The final cost of Katrina relief is widely expected to top $100 billion, and the Louisiana Congressional delegation has submitted its own $250 billion wish list.
He serves or has served on other standing and ad hoc committees, several of which are involved with Katrina relief.
Soon after the hurricane, Mr. Jagendorf learned of an online gallery,, where photographers and artists are donating work to benefit Katrina relief.
A year ago, amid public outrage over the administration's bungling of Katrina relief, Mr. Lewis promised that a timely public report would be made.
The male lacrosse players "volunteered for numerous community service activities," the report says, including reading programs, mentoring programs, the Special Olympics and Katrina relief.
In total, owners, clubs, unions, athletes and fans in the three largest professional sports have donated more than $40 million to Katrina relief to date.
When Congress approved $51.8 billion in Katrina relief, the ceiling on individual purchases with the cards ballooned to $250,000.
If FEMA is that cavalier about charitable donations, imagine what it's doing with the $62 billion (so far) of taxpayers' money sent its way for Katrina relief.
"Obvious follow-up is talking to the family of the victim at the Skyway, the guy who ran the Internet scam for Katrina relief."