The surrounding neighborhood is densely developed with tall brick commercial buildings of a similar vintage and scale such as the Kenmore Hotel.
The Kenmore Hotel was purchased by the Cambridge School in 1965.
"Many of the individuals arrested for selling narcotics worked as security guards at the Kenmore Hotel," Ms. White said in court papers.
From 25 September 1901 PCI was located at the Kenmore Hotel, which had been built in 1880.
I lived at the Kenmore Hotel when I first went to work in New York in 1950.
At the Kenmore Hotel yesterday, residents were ebullient about the new owners and the planned renovations, which are scheduled to begin today.
In 1896, he died suddenly of a heart attack in his room at the Kenmore Hotel in Albany.
Ultimately, the Federal Government took over the Kenmore Hotel on East 23d Street last month.
Kenmore Hotel, Columbia and North Pearl Street.
A chilly wind blew and rain threatened as an assortment of residents lingered beneath the marquee of the Kenmore Hotel.