Since the Kennedy years, there have been Watergate and its aftertaste of cynicism.
The energy and confidence of the Kennedy years, as many foreign liberals saw them at least, were on show behind the huge ground-floor windows.
The art world was exciting for two or three years during the Kennedy years.
We can establish a nationwide program to encourage physical fitness, as we did during the Kennedy years.
A dominant premise during the Kennedy years was the need to contain communism at any cost.
Even if the Kennedy years weren't Camelot, they do deserve better than that.
And managing a student election campaign, he genially advises, "Think of the Kennedy years: all image."
In many ways the Kennedy years marked the apotheosis of the disinterested policy maker.
And he plans to begin work soon on a comprehensive history of the Cold War in the Kennedy years.
Talbot's interpretation of the Kennedy years is at odds even with many of the most sympathetic accounts.