Kentucky Dam was completed and its gates closed on August 30, 1944, and its first generator went online September 14, 1944.
Following the completion of Kentucky Dam in the 1940s, rumors began that a dam would be built on the lower Cumberland.
Kentucky Lake had just opened, following completion of the Kentucky Dam in 1944.
It is known as the closest village to Kentucky Dam.
The construction of Kentucky Dam (1938-1944) meant the end for old Gilbertsville.
A notable event in the town's history was the dedication ceremony for Kentucky Dam on October 10, 1945, at which President Harry Truman gave the dedicatory speech.
Together with the portion of the Tennessee River north of Kentucky Dam, it forms the eastern border of the Purchase.
The creation of the Kentucky Dam and its hydroelectric power plant greatly improved the lives of Western Kentuckians.
All netting operations in Tennessee River below Kentucky Dam banned due to widespread violations.
Draffenville resulted from the construction of the Kentucky Dam in the late 1930s.