Her father was named Njango, and she was born and raised in the Western Kenyan village of Karabondi.
After law school, Mr. Green and his wife set out in 1987 to teach high school for a year in a Kenyan village.
The village's model has been appreciated by delegates from Nairobi and they are keen to replicate this in Kenyan villages.
Lindsey Stirling covered the song in a music video filmed in a Kenyan village.
The Kenyan government has made claims that these illegal immigrants have taken control of 10 Kenyan villages and has vowed to send them back to Ethiopia.
The setting is a Kenyan village.
It is a typical Kenyan rural village with most residents living modestly through small-scale farming.
You find her by taking the 90-minute drive north of Lake Victoria to the remote Kenyan village of Kogelo.
Hutton is twinned with the Kenyan village of Dabaso.
Extreme tension in Kenyan village (16 July).