If Kerr black holes exist, scientists speculate that we might pass through them and exit through a white hole.
Kerr black holes are purely theoretical, but if they do exist they offer the adventurous time traveler a one-way trip into the past or future.
The Kerr black hole has a number of fascinating properties, but before we get to them let us take the one final step needed to reach the kernel.
This is not necessarily true with a Kerr black hole.
This makes it possible for the Kerr black hole to act as a sort of wormhole, possibly even a traversable wormhole.
Theoretical Kerr black holes aren't the only possible cosmic shortcut to the past or future.
There are two important interfaces around a Kerr black hole.
In his new books in 2012, he replicated a Kerr rotating white hole that provides a model of the rotating universe.
It is obviously impossible to draw a point on the event horizon of a Kerr black hole and watch it circle around.
At the other extreme, the larger black hole might be a maximally-rotating Kerr black hole initially.