The Kerry-Edwards ticket might also profit from the fact that much of this Muslim antipathy seems to be focused on President Bush personally.
Thus far, most of the ideological fire has been directed at the Kerry-Edwards ticket.
In an interview this week, Mrs. Clinton would not entertain thoughts about what impact the Kerry-Edwards ticket would have on her own political career.
He is thinking of volunteering for the Kerry-Edwards ticket this fall, then voting for Nader again in November.
He asserted that the Kerry-Edwards ticket had shifted positions to suit its political needs.
Q:In the past few weeks, you've been traveling around the country by yourself to campaign for the Kerry-Edwards ticket.
It is not going out on a limb to assume that this time, the state will give its 31 electoral votes to the Kerry-Edwards ticket.
In columnist John Podhoretz's view, the Kerry-Edwards ticket took negative campaigning into "uncharted territory."
As a longtime Democrat and a supporter of the Kerry-Edwards ticket, I am deeply concerned about the future direction of our country.
A request was also made that the Court declare the Kerry-Edwards presidential ticket the rightful winner of Ohio's electoral votes.