He made his way to Lindau and to Innsbruck and the court of King Maximilian.
King Maximilian gave the estate to Juraj Drašković (1525-1587) for services rendered, first personally, and then as family heritage.
King Maximilian wanted to instruct both of his sons in the burdens of royal duty from an early age.
King Maximilian's advisers had suggested that on his daily walks he might like, at times, to be accompanied by his future successor.
In the event that the male line died out the throne would pass to King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria.
There are portraits by him of King Maximilian and Queen Caroline.
Only the south-west wing is extant; King Maximilian I ordered the other 3 wings to be demolished in the early 19th century.
From 1812 he worked at the court of King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria.
King Maximilian subsequently managed to acquire the Burgundian lands for the Habsburgs by marriage.
King Maximilian died in 1864 and his son Ludwig succeeded to the throne, moving into his father's room in the castle.