Over the next six years, the company grew, moving their head office to 266 King Street West in Toronto, where they are presently located.
He worked as a bartender and manager at a restaurant on King Street West for six years.
There are also numerous local businesses along King Street West.
King Street West was extended to the foot of Roncesvalles in the 1880s.
It went south along Elm Grove until King Street West.
It went north along Dowling until King Street West.
The museum is located at 390 King Street West in Virden.
The foundation, at 778 King Street West, (416) 413-9400, is open Saturdays from noon until 5, or by appointment.
The address of the mall is 2 King Street West.
The original Star Building at 80 King Street West was demolished.
Over the next six years, the company grew, moving their head office to 266 King Street West in Toronto, where they are presently located.
He worked as a bartender and manager at a restaurant on King Street West for six years.
There are also numerous local businesses along King Street West.
King Street West was extended to the foot of Roncesvalles in the 1880s.
It went south along Elm Grove until King Street West.
It went north along Dowling until King Street West.
The museum is located at 390 King Street West in Virden.
The foundation, at 778 King Street West, (416) 413-9400, is open Saturdays from noon until 5, or by appointment.
The address of the mall is 2 King Street West.
The original Star Building at 80 King Street West was demolished.