The beating of the trucker occurred in rioting that followed the acquittal of the officers on state charges in the King beating.
D14 Boston teen-agers angered officers with art of the King beating.
Then, the Chief continued, he felt he could not leave in the midst of the upheaval over the King beating.
Last year, the Mayor was frustrated as he tried to force Mr. Gates from office in the wake of the King beating.
A1 Prosecutors will seek to retry one officer in the King beating.
They illustrated that point by drawing parallels to the way the authorities handled the King beating, which was also captured on videotape.
It is operating under a 1994 federal law inspired by the King beating and the 1992 riots sparked by the acquittal of officers in the case.
But after the King beating, the 66-year-old Chief promised to retire this year.
Since the King beating, Woo has been making weekend pilgrimages to black churches.
A18 A grand jury stepped up its inquiry into the King beating.