The concluding installments, with the Kirov Orchestra, are on Oct. 23, 24 and 29.
The Kirov Orchestra will accompany all performances.
Her father was a bassoonist with the Kirov Orchestra in St. Petersburg, Russia.
The Kirov Orchestra and its Opera Chorus are to perform separately and together.
Despite receiving positive reviews, the Kirov Orchestra and Chorus played to houses little more than half filled.
The Kirov Orchestra gave magnificent, auditorium-shaking performances of both works.
But Mr. Gergiev, not a man to be kept down, will complete the tour with the Kirov Orchestra.
But the performance here by the Kirov Orchestra was striking for the distinctive character and colors the players revealed in the music.
What I really don't want for the Kirov Orchestra is just a brilliant but mechanical, if precise, kind of playing.