Kit arrives to complain that she has failed to get Briarcliff shut down.
Not at all surprisingly, Kit arrived just behind her, his hand covering hers just as she punched the elevator button.
Just before Christian is about to do it, Kit arrives and shoots Costa in the back.
Meanwhile, Kit arrives on the scene intending to make an arrest but is captured by Shing's men.
Kit arrives back, after more than a year leading Area 3, and is met by Liz.
Kit arrived at the Pembrokes that evening in a pleasant humor.
I didn't have much time to get ready before Kit arrived to pick me up for dinner.
If Kit arrived someplace and Malcolm was already there, he made excuses to leave within moments.
Even before Kit had arrived she had resolved to sell the house.
When Kit arrives home, they both get married as planned, but Michael is the minister.