Not being particularly devoted to her Klingon heritage, she had never asked herself anything like it before.
He knew now that they had become a symbol for him then- of the extent to which he had been divorced from his Klingon heritage.
You have enough impulsiveness as it is from your Klingon heritage.
She had no desire to be reminded that her Klingon heritage had been buried beneath a facade.
"If you are serious about teaching your son his Klingon heritage, he should have already been blooded."
"Unless they were raised without the benefit of Klingon heritage," added Data, "to channel their aggressive tendencies."
Though he had been raised among humans, he felt his Klingon heritage most keenly in one-on-one meetings and social situations.
Something profound must have happened, to turn her from hating her Klingon heritage to wanting to live in the temples and study it.
But several months ago, B'Elanna had obtained a new perspective on her Klingon heritage.
Torres ordered herself, even calling upon her hated Klingon heritage for an answer.