Yet even Kodak products remain available, purchased by a local company from third parties.
The first, commercially unsuccessful, Kodak product called Kodachrome was invented by John Capstaff.
After the war, Anscochrome was widely distributed, but met with limited limited commercial success in competition with Kodak products.
Mr. Allen said he did not know the specifics of China's current restrictions on film and other Kodak products.
When the basic research is done, the work is turned over to a development team responsible for translating it into new Kodak products.
Anscochrome was widely distributed, but met with limited commercial success in competition with Kodak product.
"We hope to gradually evolve distribution ventures for a full range of Kodak products in the Soviet Union," he said.
In this position, Ferraro has served as a spokesman for new Kodak products as they are revealed annually.
In essence, the Colorwatch program is a marketing tool, designed to get photofinishers to use Kodak products, rather than those of competitors like Agfa.
And the other section is either used as an extension of the main display or to show images of Kodak products and promotions.