The film is slated to be released on Korean theaters in April.
Some 1.3 million Americans served in the Korean theater between 1950 and 1953; 33,629 died there and another 105,785 were wounded.
Maoist theories of art also began to influence North Korean musical theater during this time.
Korean theatre before the 20th century was more 'performance' than 'drama'.
I asked him whether this was because Korean theater was often about revenge.
Architecture 101 was released in Korean theaters on March 22, 2012.
The movie opened in South Korean theaters on June 16, 2010.
Before 1902, Korean theatre took the forms of outdoor performance and folk theatre.
Often these rituals involve music and dancing, and forms of traditional Korean theatre.
Though outside the Korean theater, one aviation accident claimed the lives of 11 Navy nurses.