As part of this mission, the North Korean units would first cut the supply lines to Taegu.
At least one North Korean unit was in the town by 20:00.
Although the 25th Division generally was under less pressure from North Korean units after September 5, there were still severe local attacks.
This 2,500 man force reassembled and then led the North Korean units south.
Eventually, though, the division was committed to combat in conjunction with other North Korean units.
Around 12:00, the North Korean unit holding the Americans placed them in a gully on the hill with a light company of 50 guards.
"Okay, we're picking up a full-scale air defense alert being broadcast in the clear to all Korean military units," Patrick reported.
North Korean units had advanced too far too quickly, and their logistical system, stretched beyond its limit, collapsed at a key point in the war.
They were unable to offer effective resistance to the fanatic North Korean units pouring across the frontier.
Lernout began to unravel when a $100 million cash shortfall was discovered in its South Korean unit last summer.