It is difficult to imagine the Kremlin losing control, but even a year ago it was difficult to imagine the Mubarak regime falling.
Instead, they faulted Mr. Gorbachev's attempt at tighter Kremlin control of the nation through soldier-police patrols, increased censorship, and a renewed dose of economic Communism.
Ruslan Khasbulatov, though disavowed by his separatist home constituency, is reaching for Kremlin control.
Mr. Barshukov's appointment was seen as a move to reconsolidate the intelligence services - under tighter Kremlin control - into a restoration of the K.G.B. of old.
Another byproduct of more Kremlin control over oil and gas sector could be that while Russia's oil production remains steady, it may not grow as fast as it would have in private hands.
And then there is Ms. Rice, an expert on Soviet affairs who has grown concerned about whether Vladimir Putin is taking Russia back to the age of Kremlin control.
The Warsaw Pact, which held Eastern Europe under tight Kremlin control for 36 years, formally ended its existence as a military force Sunday when Soviet commanders surrendered their powers.
It would give more economic power to the republics, while retaining Kremlin control over the military, foreign policy, transportation, energy and other key industries.
One critical moment occurred last fall when he retreated from his own reform plans and resorted to traditional Kremlin central controls.
NTV, a once-independent television channel now increasingly under Kremlin control, suspended an anchor for a sarcastic comment about the firing of another television journalist.