Since 1984, 2,100 Kurds are feared to have been killed - although Kurdish organizations believe the number is much higher.
From the early days of the revolution, relations between the central government and Kurdish organizations have been fraught with difficulties.
The report included detailed information on many legal and illegal Turkish and Kurdish organization.
Kurdish organizations such as Komala recruited hundreds of women into their military and political ranks.
In 1958 there was a marked liberalization which allowed the activities of Kurdish cultural organizations and student associations but still limited political parties.
I have no links to any Kurdish political organization.
I look at it as a Kurdish organization on the Kurdish side.
In 1965, he was sentenced to 1 year 4 months in prison for establishing a Kurdish organization.
He was also involved in several Kurdish organisations formed after the 1908 revolution.
The Turkish Government must be persuaded to begin talks with the democratic Kurdish organizations.