A Kuwaiti newspaper reported that $1 million in ransom had been paid.
The official, Ghazi al-Sammar, told a Kuwaiti newspaper, New Dawn, that prosecutors were preparing paperwork for the trials.
A prominent Kuwaiti newspaper wrote: "It's about time that the Arab summit says that the Arab countries are not banana republics."
Kuwaiti newspapers quoted witnesses as saying the two men had entered the meeting hall hand in hand.
According to a 2007 survey by the Washington-based Intermedia group, Al Rai ranked one among Kuwaiti newspapers for the fifth year in a row.
A Kuwaiti newspaper, al-Seyassah, reported that the ammunition warehouse stored chemical weapons.
The question came in an interview last week with a Kuwaiti newspaper, Al Anba.
Kuwaiti newspapers have also blamed Iran for the bombing Saturday of a ticket agency here that represents Pan American World Airways.
"Rumors, just rumors," said an editor at one of the major Kuwaiti newspapers, Al Qabas.
A commentator in a Kuwaiti newspaper expressed a common view, advising Syria to "borrow Hezbollah for the Golan, or set up its own."