Mangosuthu Buthelezi was chief minister of his KwaZulu homeland from 1976 until 1994 .
Before 1994, KwaZulu-Natal was made up of the province of Natal and the KwaZulu homeland.
Gatsha Buthelezi, who heads the KwaZulu homeland and the Zulu-based Inkatha movement, wants power in any new system.
The land comprises more than one third of former KwaZulu black homeland, which was dismantled when a new interim constitution came into effect on April 27.
The land comprises about one-fifth of the former KwaZulu homeland, which was dismantled when South Africa's new interim constitution came into effect on April 27.
Mr. Buthelezi, head of the KwaZulu homeland, read the letter in a speech to the local parliament Thursday.
He oversees two separate delegations at the constitutional negotiations, one representing the KwaZulu homeland where he is chief minister, the other representing his Inkatha Freedom Party.
But Brig. Jac Buchner, police commissioner for the KwaZulu homeland, said the violence had become too random to prevent.
Chief Buthelezi, who is Chief Minister of the KwaZulu homeland.
During the apartheid era it formed part of the KwaZulu homeland, and at present it is included in the Umzinyathi DM.