In this sense, the first period Kyoto commitments may affect what future atmospheric stabilization level can be achieved.
Only two nations kept their Kyoto commitment.
France's Kyoto commitment is to cap its emissions at their 1990 levels (Stern, 2007, p. 456).
Then we must ensure that the Kyoto commitments are implemented.
In order to reduce the greenhouse effect, we must encourage the Commission to ensure respect for the Kyoto commitments.
You yourself reminded us of our Kyoto commitments in terms of global warming.
They know that this proposal can help the European Union to meet its Kyoto commitments.
This could well spell failure in terms of meeting our Kyoto commitments.
We need to make every effort to fulfil our Kyoto commitments as we are approaching the finishing line.
Canada, Japan and Russia said last year they will not accept new Kyoto commitments.