It was like building a campfire next to a tank filled with LP gas, but they didn't know that.
Almost 90% of the trade is bulk cargoes - including petroleum, sugar, molasses, fertiliser and LP gas.
An absorption heat pump may be fueled by natural gas or LP gas, for example.
Price-wise, natural gas beats LP gas; however, it is not available in all areas and cannot be substituted without modifications to the grill itself.
That is why you can burn natural gas, LP gas and kerosene indoors in the winter.
LP gas is another alternative already in use too.
LP gas is a mixture of propane and butane, both of which are easily-compressible gases under standard atmospheric conditions.
A little breeze gusted and blew the nasty smell of LP gas toward him.
Before, the water heater had run on LP gas.
A rich smell of LP gas filled the area in back of the bar almost at once.