The first coal pit in the town - known as Lady Blanche - opened towards the end of the 16th century.
"I seem to have noticed the same thing," mused pretty Lady Blanche, "on more than one occasion."
It went thus," Lady Blanche declared: "They seek him in England, they .
Once in the corridor, the queen dismissed all but Lady Blanche and Corrie, whom she led straight to her private closet.
Recognizing one of them as a gentleman she'd been introduced to by old Lady Blanche, she approached to ask directions.
"Then here you must bide, Lady Blanche," I answered, cutting her short.
Melissa, Lady Blanche's daughter, has overheard them, but, fascinated by the first men she has ever seen, swears herself to secrecy.
Lady Blanche, who has not fallen for the men's disguises, confronts Melissa.
Whatever her true paternity, Clementine is recorded as being the daughter of Lady Blanche and Sir Henry.
Lady Blanche: A sweet young woman who has a deep appreciation for the sublime and writes poetry.