He was a pioneer in the Great Lakes shipping industry.
The Hackett is recognized as the first Great Lakes freighter, a vessel type that has dominated Great Lakes shipping for over 100 years.
It is the custom of Great Lakes shipping to try to move as much freight as possible before winter and associated ice conditions bring boat movements to a halt.
With all of this commerce occurring, Ludington became a major Great Lakes shipping port.
After he finishes the merger of those Great Lakes shipping lines.
Steinbrenner was also involved in the Great Lakes shipping industry.
In the ensuing years the area became an important Great Lakes shipping port, and the village was once again renamed, this time to Southport.
Butzel Long traces its roots to 1854 when Detroit's economy was based on the Great Lakes shipping trade.
It connected Great Lakes shipping with the Hudson River.
He was also part of the Great Lakes shipping industry.