New Orleans (Lakefront Airport), LA: 15.44
He took them to Lakefront Airport, where local emergency medical teams had established a makeshift medical center.
Notable landmarks in this region include the Lakefront Airport, the Industrial Canal, and the Doullut Steamboat Houses.
The pilot was being directed to Lakefront Airport, but about five miles from that airport, he said that he could not make it.
The levee district generates its own revenues from the Lakefront Airport, a casino, leases of property, fees from boatslips and marinas, and taxes.
In return for the political support of the New Orleans machine, Long promised a bridge over the Mississippi River, a Lakefront Airport, and money for infrastructure improvements.
When they were reunited at New Orleans' Lakefront Airport, the boys' mother, Maria Alvarado, picked up Eleazar and would not let him go.
One helicopter stopped at Lakefront Airport to pick up a diving team.
Weather Was Clear According to both accounts of Wednesday's incident, the two aircraft were approaching Lakefront Airport about 10:45 A.M.
Ten members of the panel flew in on two Gulfstream jets around 9:30 this morning to Lakefront Airport.