The program played at Lambert Field from prior to the 1965 season until the end of the 2012 season.
Then get everything you got up to Lambert Field in St. Louis and to an air cargo company with next-flight-out capability.
Lambert Field was a baseball stadium in West Lafayette, Indiana.
In the 1990s, the university undertook three renovation projects on Lambert Field.
Men, equipment and unit headquarters consolidated in new hanger at Lambert Field in 1931.
On 16 June 2009, the last F-16 departed Lambert Field.
The event is observed by foreign agents working undercover at Lambert Field.
It replaced Lambert Field as the home of the Boilermakers.
Passengers at Lambert Field were told to go home and rebook on a flight the next day.
Lambert Field had been home before he went off to the front; but he'd been whole and in fashion then.