In case you don't recognize the jargon, he was really calling to recruit me into a Landmark Forum.
By 2008, more than 1 million people had taken part in Landmark Education's introductory program, the Landmark Forum, since 1991.
Since then, the name of the presentation has been changed to "The Landmark Forum" and the content has been revised.
The Tuesday evening involves a presentation at which course attendees bring other people to learn about and voluntarily register for an upcoming Landmark Forum.
He became active for a time in the personal development programs of Landmark Education, including the Landmark Forum, a successor to est.
I've never given it a thought, except for a terrible piece the Believer did last year about the Landmark Forum.
The lawsuit stated that three workers were fired in 2006 for refusing to attend "religious events," referring to the Landmark Forum.
Also, the Landmark Forum, a program created by Erhard's former employees after purchasing his intellectual property, has had an influence on popular culture.
But its impact is nothing compared with that of Landmark Forum, called est in an earlier incarnation, which has all but seduced the front row.
"But the fundamental basis of the Landmark Forum is a dialogue and an inquiry into what's relevant and important in being human."