Then his son, Rob, asked when they would ever be 30 miles from the Laotian border again.
Range to the Laotian border is about five hundred miles.
But one month after I was hit, he had been killed ten miles from the Laotian border.
The close proximity of these populations to the Chinese and Laotian borders indicates that the species may occur in those countries as well.
The narrowest part from east (seaside) to west (Laotian border) is just 40 km.
The Laotian border is about 40 miles (60 kilometers) directly East.
The village lies near to the Laotian border, north of Na Son.
He knew that for an American to go into those mountains that faced the Laotian border took great courage.
Their population is clustered in the north-eastern region of Thailand near the Laotian border.
"Sir, he's on a mission," Hightower said, making a vague gesture toward the Laotian border.