Latin American players, largely overlooked before, also started entering the majors in greater numbers.
Anyway, so many important Latin players have come along in the last decade that talking about the music in black and white terms is dated.
Their annual budget for developing Latin American players has grown from $25,000 three years ago to $150,000 today.
I can't go out and spend a million dollars on a Latin player to begin with.
Here, we have many more Latin player and our style is very different.
If he didn't like having these Latin players on his team, they wouldn't be there.
Let me tell you, if anybody crosses that line, it's not going to be a Latin player.
Yet another Latin American player, one of a record 20 chosen for the game, was the winning pitcher.
The often tiny bonuses given to young Latin players have produced cries of exploitation.
The move to sign scores of young Latin players has raised questions about whether they risk greater incidence of injury.