The Latino vote is complicated: more conservative on social issues, not prone to high turnout.
Recent polls show the candidates in a statistical tie for the Latino vote.
But it is fair to say that the Latino vote was a key factor this year.
The specific challenge within that overarching one, political analysts said, was to grab more than 30 percent of the growing Latino vote.
Does it have anything to do with Mexican immigrants, and assumptions about the Latino vote?
But he said that whether the Latino vote is monolithic or fractured "depends on the time, the place, the candidate and the circumstances."
If we get 10 percent of the Latino vote, we win.
He also got about 38 percent of the city's Latino vote, according to one study.
He won the three-way primary election with 80% of the Latino vote.
The expanding Latino vote has yet to be claimed by any leading presidential candidate.