One couple, a black man in his late 20's and an attractive Latino woman, were oblivious to both the view and the people around them.
She was one of few Latino women, who served during Desert Shield/Storm War in a Tank Division.
The door was opened by a plump-faced Latino woman in a black uniform, complete with white collar and pinny.
Melissa, a Latino woman, was the oldest; a single working mother with a hard-won education, she had made E6 in the Navy before heading off to college.
I sat and watched through the optic as my former target comforted an older Latino woman, still in her nightgown.
A woman pretends to escort them to that place, but it is a trap by the Latino women.
I wanted to bring this up because there is nobody to speak for these Latino women.
Predictors of program participation in an HIV risk reduction intervention for low-income Latino women.
I'm guessing it's a performance piece of some kind, the artist reflecting perhaps on feelings of disempowerment as a Latino woman in the United States.
A radio plays Michael Jackson, and everything from printing to laminating to punching to pinning is performed mostly by a chatty group of Latino women.