The Latvian leaders also demand the dismissal of Latvia's chief of police for failing to prevent the synagogue bombing.
The Latvian leader said it was merely an emotional outburst set off by emotional criticism.
The Latvian leader said he would present this proposed bargain to the Latvian Legislature on Wednesday.
Most Latvian leaders profess no fear of the likelihood of Soviet tanks in their streets; moreover, they claim to hear mixed signals.
We have more free farmers than exist in all Russia," says the Latvian leader, "and we put bread on Russian tables.
Partly as a result of this policy, the Latvian and Estonian leaders are largely unknown outside their own countries.
Fortunately, that routine was unnecessary because the Latvian leader recognized the need for any support from America.
Some Latvian leaders said they needed to do more to integrate ethnic Russians into the local culture.
Mr. Bush told the Latvian leader that he understood the "difficulty of your decision" on whether to attend the celebration.
Latvian leaders said they tried to avoid angering the Kremlin by taking a moderate tone.