The search for Laura Smith quickly spread across the nation.
Laura Smith, four, and her sister Emma, two, were found huddled in the living room after the fireball ripped through their home.
The next year, Johnson at the age of 49 married her younger sister, Laura Smith.
Laura Smith separated from her husband during the 1890s.
His second wife was Laura Smith, married in 1817.
"We're disappointed that their offer wasn't much more significant," said Laura Smith, president of the clerical workers' union.
Laura Smith - weekends at 5 and 9 p.m.
Laura Smith is a runner-up in our writing competition for this account of a river cruise in Peru.
In total, thirty five numbers were recorded by Laura Smith.
Laura Smith, president of the clerical workers union, called the deal "a harbinger of a more productive working relationship in the future."